Swara Bhaskar welcomed her daughter Raabiyaa in September 2023. And, the actress is making the most of her time with the little one. She is a hands-on mommy who easily multi tasks. Recently, Swara shared an image where she is seen breastfeeding her daughter while fixing her makeup. Well, her sneak-peek of life after embracing motherhood is surely relatable!
Swara Bhasker shares glimpse of breastfeeding daughter
Swara is an avid social media user and is known for her vocal nature. Recently, she shared a picture shows her in a car, breastfeeding her daughter Raabiyaa. Simultaneously, she is also seen perfecting her makeup with a beauty blender in one hand. Swara penned a hilarious caption that read, “So how is motherhood going?” They ask.. #momlife #momlifebelike #bts #behindthescenes #breastfeeding #nursing #breastfeedingmom #nursingmom #nofilter.” Check out the post below!
About Swara Bhasker
Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad met at a protest and the couple dated for a while before declaring their relationship publicly. They got married on February 16, 2023, and in September that year, they welcomed their daughter Raabiyaa. The actress was last in limelight when she spoke about Sonakshi Sinha’s interfaith marriage and reacted to Hema Committee report.